Victorian Bone & Joint Specialist

Everything that you put into your mouth in Australia dictates your health outcome and so this is why you need to consume all the usual things that your medical practitioner has been telling you to eat and drink for years. You need to be eating lots of fresh vegetables and lean protein. While also getting the correct amount of exercise every single day. All of these things will help to create good bone and joint health. You may not be aware that once you reach the age of 30, you have reached your peak bone mass.

You need strong bones because if you don’t follow the above pieces of advice then you may fall down. It may break something. This is when you have to turn to a Victorian Bone & Joint Specialist to use their exceptional skills to put you back together. So that you can get on with living your life. Ideally, you want to try not having to go to see these professionals in the first place. So the following are some top tips that will help you to achieve stronger bones and joints. (

Victorian Joint And Bone Specialist

Do some strength training – This activity becomes even more important as we get older. Because it helps us to maintain strong bones and build upon the current ones that we have. There are been many studies showing that if older men and women perform strength training exercises, they can increase their bone density, bond strengths and even bone size.

  • Get enough protein – If you are not aware then you should know that your bone is 50% protein. So if you are not eating enough meat for example then this can lead to increases in your calcium intake and this really does affect the strength of your bones.
  • Get your vitamins – Vitamin D and vitamin K are two essential building blocks. When it comes to strong bones in your body. ( The purpose of vitamin D is to allow you to be able to absorb calcium and vitamin K helps to stop the loss of calcium from your bones.

If you follow these three top tips there is no reason why you shouldn’t achieve strong bones and joints. You should always try to keep your weight at a healthy level. Also try to eat foods that are high in healthy in omega three fats.